HSPVA Original Campus Cast
Glenn Pursell
This was one of the best times of my life. I'll never forget Leela Blount and Frank Rice, our drama instructors. Their knowledge seemed endless. All of my teachers were excellent. I remember eating lox and bagels in Ms. Leach's class, and writing a poem in Biology about the formation of ATP. Learning mime and fencing from Jean-Claude Coux, and musical theatre from Mindy Mendenhall. When Bob Singleton joined the staff, I got to star in his 1st production "The Honorable Urashima Taro". I was Taro, and Brady King played the wise turtle. Marta Robertson and I would bicycle most mornings 15 miles from the Heights to PVA. And we went before city council to fight for our right to keep our name, HSPVA. Man, lots of good memories.
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