HSPVA Original Campus Cast
Mark Estes
I am happy to be filled with great memories and warm feelings as I look at the HSPVA Original Campus Reunion site. It was a very formative time, rich and humorous and wonderful, a true treasure in my life that I still value. As I look through these alumni "then and now" pictures, almost all have aged incredibly well and we look amazingly BETTER!! I was an art/photo major, class of '75. Since '81 I have lived in Oakland California area, worked as a freelance photographer for 20+ years and have been married to my wonderful partner, Susan,for 13 years. Over the years and by way of art/photography and a circuitous route of experiences, I am now working in hospice providing spiritual care to the dying and their families as an interfaith chaplain. I see the creative training and practice of making art parallel to the intuitive, creativity needed to meet and accompany the dying.
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