HSPVA Original Campus Cast
Gregory Freeman
We called it the "Media Department" when I started as a Journalism major at PVA. By the time I graduated - having undertaken the study of a number of "media" - it was known as the "Media Arts Department". So I guess something had changed, right? (l.o.l.)
Anywhoo, I loved my time at PVA. I still think of it as the best time of my life - in spite of my turbulent homelife - and despite all that 'teen angst' (hahaha).

I didn't accomplish as much as I'd have liked to while I was there, but so much of being at PVA was just about simple discovery.
Self-discovery, and discovery of how different and/or like others you were/are.

I got a clue while I was at PVA: the world was a much bigger place than I'd imagined. I knew I didn't fit into the world from which I came, but PVA helped me to imagine that I might fit into a larger, more remote world. And even if I didn't fit into a larger world, I could just be my own {world}, as our Principal, Mrs. Lowder, made clear to all of us.
That is exactly what I needed to know.
That I could create my own reality...
And I've been doin' that ever since.
Thanks, PVA.
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